We are very committed to upholding our obligations to protect individual information. This policy outlines how we may use any personal data we may get about you. You agree to this use by using our website. You will be requested to give information such as your name, contact information, and debit/credit card data when using services offered on this website. This information is stored on secured servers.
We’ll make use of this data in the following manner:
Luxury Desert Adventure Dubai uses the information gathered in a number of ways:
We might make the following uses of information about you:
We are convinced that the security of our website and the privacy of your personal information. However, due to the nature of the internet, Luxury Desert Adventure cannot be held liable for any loss or corruption of data, material, or information resulting from a virus infection that is communicated or for any breach of security relating to your personal information. Please be aware that all online transactions are safe.
We utilize cookies and other tracking technologies to keep track of all activities on our website and track certain information.
You can tell your browser always to reject cookies or to let you know when one is being sent. However, you might not be able to utilize all of our services if you refuse to accept cookies.
There is a chance that our service will link to websites we do not control. A link from a third party will take you to that third party’s website if you click on it. We recommend you read the privacy statement on each website you visit carefully.
The content, privacy practices, or other third-party websites or services policies are beyond our control and responsibility.
If you have any concerns about this privacy statement, want more information, or want to access, rectify, modify, or remove any personal information we hold about you, please contact us by phone or email.